Fix GitHub issue #16, which prevented Pojomatic
from running on Java versions earlier than 9.
Release 2.2.0 (2018-11-04)
Move to using ASM 7, so that classes with nested classes compiled under JDK 11 or later
can still be processed. Fixes
GitHub issue #14.
Release 2.1.0 (2018-10-14)
Pojomatic now relies on ASM directly, instead of the repacked org.kohsuke:asm5 library.
In particular, this means it is now compatible with Java versions 7 through
11. Moreover, as newer Java releases come out, it should be possible to upgrade to a
newer ASM version without a new release of pojomatic. Fixes
GitHub issue #10.
Pojomatic has been modularized under the name org.pojomatic. It can of course continue
to be used as a jar, as well as now using it as a module.
GitHub issue #13.
Fix GitHub issue #11 -
generated doEquals method only considers properties also selected for hashCode.
Release 2.0.1 (2014-07-12)
Upgrade to ASM 5 to fix GitHub issue #4:
Under Java8 ASM classreader fails.
Release 2.0 (2014-06-29)
Pojomatic now requires Java version 7 or higher
Pojomators are now created by generating byte code. The generated code uses InvokeDynamic rather than
ordinary reflection to access properties.
Because, as of Java 7, the order in which fields and methods are returned by the Reflection API has become
somewhat arbitrary, ASM is used to visit the byte code used to define the class, and determine the order
of properties from that.